Saturday, April 10, 2004

Useless Bit Of fraNk Trivia II

"fraNk wanted to be a doctor when he was little"

I can remember being dressed up for kindergarten as a fireman, and another time as an astronaut. But deep down I always wanted to be a doctor. I am not sure why... I suppose the fact that I was in the hospital when I was 2 for surgery and again at the age of 4 after a car accident, I may have developed a particular fondness for doctors. I don't remember much of anything about those visits, none of course from being 2 years old, about all I can really remember from when I was 4 years old was that the nurses were a bunch of total bitches, and that the food sucked.

Within a few years, by about the time I was 8 or 9 years old, I realized that I really didn't much like math, and that being a doctor required a substantial amount of work in that field, and so it was likely that being a doctor was out of the question. But I can sure remember at a young age always believing I would be one.

Nowadays I despise doctors, not so much as the doctors themselves, not even for what they do, but because if I'm seeing a doctor it usually means there is something wrong, and I don't like feeling I can't control things in my life on my own. I imagine you end up seeing them more and more though. Right now I'm a little more concerned about going to the dentist, I need to do that pronto.

"Dr fraNk report to surgery, Dr fraNk"

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