Saturday, January 25, 2003
My Kid Beat Up Your Honor Student
My dad used to comment on how he should have had that as a bumper sticker on his car. Honestly though that would have been more in tune with my little brother than myself, although he never started fights, Paul would finish them with a vengeance, every so often taking on more than one and kicking a lot of ass in the process. I may have been able to do that too but I never really got the opportunity, I was more of a 'flee' type of person, that is probably how I became such a good runner in track and cross country.
But even so I got picked on a lot, especially before I got into high school. I can remember times when riding the school bus as a 4th grader, two 8th graders would sit behind me and punch me in the back of the head so hard that I would have welts on my head later on that night when I would run my fingers over where they had been hitting me. And they thought it was so funny to do. This sort of thing can really get to a person. There were times when I would get off the bus crying at night after the bus route. Complaining to the bus driver did nothing, either I would be told to sit down or it would be even worse because they would see me complain, but she never did anything to stop them. If anything, that was even more encouraging to them because they never felt the need to hide it any longer and it got even worse.
I would have to say that those two, along with probably half a dozen other kids I went to school with, would fall into a small category of "People I'd Like To Get In A Small Room With A Locked Door Today". Me as an 8th grader = 5'3, 110 lbs. Me now = 6' tall, 185 lbs. Don't think though that I sit here and constantly dream of beating the crap out of people like Shane White or fat Corey Parriot, I could care less about them really. But one time a friend of mine at a guard drill asked me a poignant question about whether or not I had anyone that I would flat out haymaker punch to the face if I saw them today, without a word being spoken, and to that I answered an honest yes, but with some thought after that, I think I would probably antagonize the person in question to try and hit me first, then put them down and wail on them.
If you sit there shocked that I would even think that way, consider being me my 8th grade year, being chased as I would try and get to the cafeteria to simply eat lunch, so they could beat on me, or having a milk shake dumped on my head while I sat in the cafeteria, or being depantsed in front of the entire 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams (although this was actually funny later on, because the guy that did that was actually a pretty decent guy later on). After awhile, the idea of beating the crap out of them becomes really secondary to some very dark and horrible dreams of what I'd really like to do to them.
This is why I see things like Columbine and I shake my head, and I cannot entirely fault the two boys who did the crimes. WHAT??? you may say, and be horribly shocked that I would even think this way, but honestly, if I would have had a gun in my hand at times during junior high, I would have shot the people that made my life a living hell for YEARS and not even blinked. I would not targeted innocent people based on groups though, as the Columbine duo did, but God help me, after torture and torment day after day after week after month, without any help from anyone to stop it from happening, something starts to snap in your mind. I wouldn't have ever gone home and taken a gun to school however, so don't think that I was actually ever planning something like that, I just merely want to state that I cannot sit back and blame events that occur entirely on kids like those two from Columbine, because I think your bullying jocks and preppies and others have to take a large chunk of responsibility for thier actions when it comes to teasing and beating on someone incessantly to the point where something snaps and they go crazy like that.
Then when these things do happen, you see the media all over it, with every channel talking about the kids doing the shooting, it's the biggest attention rush ever, this is the other reason kids do something like this, for the attention, that is why I don't think the media should cover it at all, they shouldn't ever use the kids name, and never ever do this day after day live continual coverage like Columbine, that is why we have copy cat style school shootings, kids who crave attention know they are going to get a nationwide hit of it if they start shooting at school.
Back to the bullying part, I guess you have to ask how you would stop something like that from happening? For my part, I just wish I would have had a teacher or someone who would have recommended that I kick one of them in the balls or just punch them as hard as I could, just once, because looking back, that would have been the best thing, in fact, that's what I recommended my brother do, and he did, and that got him a long ways. Don't sit there shocked at that attitude, if I could change one thing it would be to have fought back, at every opportunity, when someone was going overboard and beating on me, because all I ever got for advice from teachers and administrators was to ignore it, and pretend it doesn't happen. Hmm, that's pretty interesting, that's what they did, and it seemed to work out for them just fine, unfortunately, it never worked out so fine for me.
Did it affect me now, yes, in a good way actually, because I will never EVER let my kids treat anyone with the blatant disrespect that a lot of those jackasses treated me with, and I will also instill within them to not only fight back for themselves, but also to fight back if they see someone else being mistreated also. Pretending things arent' happening doesn't make them go away, no matter how many times some fat useless school administrator tells you that.
Friday, January 24, 2003
If The Aliens Say It, It Must Be True!!!
I guess today's post is going to tie in with my spirituality post from yesterday. The Baptist church I belonged to all thru junior high and high school would send young couples overseas or to central america to third world countries in order to 'spread the gospel' to those who had 'no opportunity to see the light'. Missionary work seems to be a big part of a lot of churches, trying hard to spread the word to as many people as possible about thier religion, hoping to convert them, to 'save' them.
There is a real serious problem with missionary work, however. Let's say you get up in the morning, walk out your front door, and suddenly there is a UFO landing in your yard, and these beings that look human get out, and they start talking to you, and you can see that they are obviously more advanced in culture and technology than you are, they have incredible gadgets and devices that you can only guess as to what they are for. After awhile these beings start talking to you about a religion, a religion that is the real way to get to heaven, and you think to yourself, "wow, you know, these people are dressed so futuristic, they have so much technology, they must know more than I do, I have to follow thier religion, it has to be the right way!"
This is basically the situation you have with missionary work. People go into these tribes or villages where the people have nothing, sometimes showing up by airplane, other times by boat, always dressed differently, with cell phones and lap tops and what not, and the people they are preaching to many times aren't converting based on the religion itself, more so they convert based on the look of those who are doing the converting, and this is why I can't support missionary work at all.
Now, if people wanted to show up wearing the same clothing as those in the tribe they are trying to preach to, with the same way of life and eating and what not, I might not have such a problem with this. Of course this brings to mind some very funny thoughts, of the bare breasted missionary woman and her spear chucking husband, but non the less, I think you see my point. I realize that a lot of time missionaries are also bringing valuable information about medicine, agriculture, etc, into these remote locations, but I still can't subscribe to the notion that it's a fair way of converting new believers. Heck, even the medicine and agriculture advances are a hinderance when it comes to impartial teachings of a religion because those advances show a superiority of those doing the teaching, and it's hard to separate that from the idea of the religion itself.
I wanted to get into a little side note here, because it's not actually missionary work, but those people who picket abortion clinics really irritate the hell out of me. You have young women making the hardest decision of thier lives, and these people are in thier face, calling them 'murderer' and 'you are going to hell for this you baby killing bastard', they are in the girl's face, spittle flying they are so ademant and insanely driven to try and stop what they see as the worst thing ever.
Yes, I'm against abortion, but like I said before, who without sin among you is there, to cast that stone? The worst I have heard about was a few weeks back where there was an antiabortion group taking pictures of young women entering an abortion clinic and they were posting the pictures on a website, a horrible breach of privacy, it's unconceivable that anyone could find anything righteous about doing something like that.
Then I watch the media paint these anti abortionists as 'typical conservative christians' and I want to toss a hammer into my television, they are anything BUT typical, they are extremists, and they are no better than left wing liberals like the National Organization for Women, they do things that are just as ridiculous, just a diffferent agenda. Most conservative christians have a great deal of moderation within themselves and aren't going to be on the roadside showing pictures of mutilated babies and what not, but those that do certainly make the rest of us look horrible.
Thursday, January 23, 2003
Spirituality v.s. Religious
I'm a christian. I say this without fear of reprisal or being eaten by lions in some roman era death game, but I imagine still that it comes as a shock to some. I have some views that certainly would conflict with the widely recognized idea of what christians think, that is true. I am a non practicing Southern Baptist, but in reality I probably most closely fall into a more moderate Protestent church than the Southern Baptists. But deep inside I am a deeply spiritual person. I am NOT, however, religious, for in my mind there is a massive difference between being spiritual and being religious.
Religion twists spirituality around to seek out the most basic greedy principles, no different than the ethics of major companies you see nowadays, except that the church hides it behind supposedly spiritual ideals. The Roman Catholic religion is the worst at this. Now, before the outcry begins, before someone says "what right do you have to chastise a religion you know nothing about???" let me tell you, I was Catholic for the first 12 years of my life. I even attended a Catholic school from kindgarten to the 5th grade, a school with nuns!!! NUNS I SAY!!! (I was even spanked by the nuns for not getting my math homework done, slapped on another occasion for supposedly lying to my teacher when it was Roger Reichart who did what I got slapped for, someday I'll get him back for that) I went thru all the fun rituals that Catholic children go thru, 1st communion, all that, but I was never an alter boy, and given the current situation of the Catholic church, maybe that part isn't something so bad to miss out on, eh?
The Catholic church wants thier members to have large families. Why? Because more family members means more people in the church, this translates to more money, more money means more power, now that is hardly spiritual now is it? More like greedy and power hungry. I am flabbergasted when I see the pope come into this country and he is revered and people run up and kiss his feet and he sits up there on his throne like a representation of God himself, a description that some people have actually had the audacity to state, in the order of "a man closer to God than anyone". Bullshit, total and complete bullshit, no man is closer to God than any other man, it all depends on your personal relationship with Him, not how you can get closer to the Lord thru priests and other wacked out wierdos dressed in white. Sometimes I can't for the life of me see much difference between a group of catholic bishops and a bunch of KKK members. Well, as far as looks go. Yes, I know, they are very different in many ways and I shouldn't make that analogy, but by looks alone there is quite a similarity.
Another ridiculous idea the Catholic church started and continues to this day is 'confession'. Now tell me, why is it that you have to go before a priest to confess your sins, so that he can chastise you soundly and give you 50 hail marys? If you are really seeking forgiveness for wrongdoings, go and make whatever you did wrong RIGHT, and ask the Lord for forgiveness yourself, there is no reason to get someone else involved in your dirty laundry, other than the person(s) you hurt to begin with. What's worse is the idea that a person goes to a Catholic confessional and leaves feeling guilt free without having taken care of the problem, 'oh, I confessed my sins so I am all better.' Yah, nice try. Skip the priest and ask the person you wronged for forgiveness. Sure, it's a lot harder to do but you will have a REAL feeling of accomplishment and a truly free concience.
The hail mary is another strange concept. Let's take a look at what the first commandment states, the very first, numero uno commandmento: Thou shalt hold no false gods before God. There are other versions but basically what that is saying is that you shall not worship anyone other than the Lord himself, be that thru Him or in a christian's case, his son Jesus Christ. So what exactly are people doing when they are worshipping a human, a woman who was not free from sin (despite what some people think, she was human and made human mistakes just like we all do). I had one Catholic tell me that "praying to Mary is to ask for divine intervention'. Okay, lets break that down for a moment, divine intervention. Divine = Godly, Intervention = To come between, now, basically what that is saying is that you are asking for something to get between you and God, what sort of nonsense is this? I'm sure there are other arguments to why people pray to Mary, if you have better ones, go ahead and click on YOUR RESPONSES to the left of this post.
I am letting myself get away from the basic idea of this post. My beliefs are simple, I believe that Jesus is the way into heaven, that by allowing him into my heart I can achieve eternal life. This, however, is only part of the spirituality sense that I subscribe to, a big part to be sure, but only a part. I believe that you live your life in such a way that you do not do things that harm others. Yah, I swear, I touch myself innapropriately, I have bad thoughts from time to time when I see a hot brunette walking along in the mall while I'm shopping for who knows what, but I try and live in such a way that nothing bad that I do will have an affect on anyone else. Yes, from time to time things I have done have hurt others, and I have to try hard to make amends for those things that I do and that I will do, I am not perfect, but I do try to live my life in such a way as to not harm others.
Another part of the 'religious' aspect of things that I can't really get into is the whole idea that you get all dolled up and drive the fanciest clean car you can to church, and then everyone sits around and watches everyone else come into the parking lot, then come into church, whispering about what so and so is wearing, or why so and so didn't show up to church, and how terrible that is, oh goodness what a bad thing to miss a church service!!! Yah bite me, you should be able to come to church in work clothes wearing cowboy boots covered in dirt. It's not about what is on the outside, it's about what is on the inside, this is just another reason why I cannot STAND going to organized religious gatherings, this better than thou attitude that seems to just ooze from the masses inside of a lot of churches, inside of basically every church I've tried to be a part of. I feel bad from time to time for missing so much church, but to be quite honest I don't feel like I'm condemned to hell by any means, in fact, I feel quite the opposite.
If you sit and read what I've written here and you have a big problem with my idea of not going to church, or anything else I've said, then maybe you should be taking a closer look at yourself and quit judging me. I will be putting up a post about that at a later time actually, but always remember, he who is without sin may cast the first stone, and always remember that I'm liable to catch that rock and throw it right back at you...
Wednesday, January 22, 2003
Our Judicial System Blows
I saw today that a federal judge threw out the case against McDonalds for causing obesity in children. I took this directly from Yahoo news: "In the widely-publicised and debated case, four overweight teenage girls from New York's Bronx district last autumn accused the world's biggest hamburger chain of being responsible for their obesity and health problems."
Does anyone honestly go into McDonalds or Burger King and think they are getting a healthy meal? Hell no they don't, the very idea that a Big Mac, fries, and a coke would be healthy is ludicrous. Hey, if you really believe that, why not get EXTRA healthy and supersize the whole thing?? Another example of this: Tobacco... now, I do not like the tobacco companies at all, but come on, if you are sucking smoke into your body at the rate of 2 packs a day for 40 years, how can you even sit there with a straight face and try and say "Oh, but I didn't know it was unsafe for me!!" Okay, if that is the case, why didn't you just back your car up to your front door and run a hose from the tailpipe directly into your bedroom at night? It would have about the same result, only work a lot quicker.
Now, like myself, I know a lot of you have relatives who have smoked, and that it's so horribly addictive that they weren't able to quit. But remember who picked up that cigarette years and years ago and started puffing on it. So who convinces people that thier actions are the fault of others, who is it that lays blame on others for what a person should take responsibility for themselves, and not just laying the blame on others, but to be sure, others who have money, and lots of it. Lawyers, by the thousands. I wouldn't have a problem with this if the lawyers were making what they deserve to make, that is, 10 bucks an hour or less. But instead, they rake in millions of dollars off of huge companies in some of the most insane judgements you can imagine.
A few cases in point. A man cuts off his hand with a Craftsman lawnmower while using it to trim his hedges and wins a judgement against Sears because "there was no warning against it on the mower." Well, goodness, so why didn't you use your lawnmower to trim your nails too, and how about a nice polished haircut to boot? Another man was attempting to break into a school and fell thru the skylight and broke his back, and he won a judgement against the school. And I think we all know about the old lady who burned herself at McDonalds when she spilled hot coffee in her lap. Throw all common sense out the window when it comes to the judicial system, because if you try and make some sort of sense of it, you won't be able to. (such as, the case of Orinthal James Simpson the murdering ex-football player)
There is little that trial lawyers do that contributes to building up anything in today's society. Most all of thier actions are aimed at destroying and taking things apart. Now, there are many cases that called for legal action, but even in most of them the lawyers always made such a ridiculous amount of money from the judgements. And don't expect anything to change. The judicial system is set up so nicely for lawyers. Judges who sit in charge of the court are all ex-lawyers themselves, so why would you bite the hand that fed you for years? An incredibly scary thought about all of this is this fact: right now, and at any given point, there are more students in law school then there are lawyers in the world, doesn't that make your skin totally crawl???
So the fast food case was thrown out of court. I am certain though that this is not the end of this, the lawyers responsible for this insanity are most certainly working frantically to make sure that they can take this back to court again, one good judge won't stop them, and at some point they will find some idiot who lets the case go forward. The fast food industry makes BILLIONS of dollars, and lawyers are lining up by the thousands, salivating at the prospect of cashing in on a massive judgement against Pizza Hut or Taco Bell or Wendys, or even better, getting one of the companies to settle out of court to avoid a drawn out and expensive court case.
I pray no company ever settles, that they fight these bastards continuously. But even then you have to realize that truth is so rarely on your side. The rule to remember about todays judicial system is that truth doesn't matter, there is no longer any reason to take responsibility for your own actions, as long as you have some shady scum sucking pig of a lawyer who can convince a courtroom that you got went to Burger King every day and didn't realize it would make you fat, or that you didn't know a chainsaw wasn't to be used to circumsize yourself, you are set to make millions of dollars (after the scum pig lawyer takes his 40% share of course). So sit back, be stupid, do idiotic things, end up hurt but be sure that whatever hurts you was built or sold by a company with a lot of money. That way you and your liar, woops, did I say that? I meant LAWYER, can get rich in a hurry.
I better get this posted, I can already smell the sharks in suits circling me getting ready to sue me!!! HAHAHAH, I have no money you blood sucking bastards!!!
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
Conservative But Not Republican
As we get grow out of our teenage years into adulthood, it seems that all of us develop a sense of ethics and beliefs that guide us not only in day to day life but also in political motivations. What issues move our emotions, who and what do we vote for, so on and so forth. I grew up in a very conservative household, hence the beliefs I uphold mostly even to this day are in line with most conservative issues. Yes, this is probably surprising to some of you who would question my personality at times, but believe me, I'm a conservative at heart.
Now, during my late teenage years and even as I first went away to college I called myself not only a conservative, but also a republican, believing that the republican party represented my views 100 percent. Slowly but surely reality chipped away at this faux belief. I realized that there is a big difference between what I believe and what republican politicians believe. Oh, they may say one thing, but you damn well better believe they are up to something else behind the scenes. I guess a lot had to do with my introduction to people who had different upbringings, beliefs, sexual orientations, you name it, from my college years and even as I first began working.
Take for instance abortion, I'm staunchly anti-abortion, however, I realize that many children would probably be born into situations that are so atrocious, many of them addicted to God knows what, or raised in poverty with very little supervision, that perhaps it's a blessing they are not brought into the world. My parents, grandparents, and most likely 99 percent of everyone in even my extended family would blow a gasket with my view on this, but I have to be realistic about the world nowadays. Now, if it came to a vote, I'm likely to vote against abortion, that's my belief, that's my right. But I know that even if abortion is ever deemed illegal again, which I don't think it will be, there will be those who attempt to have an abortion by any means necessary, including the "back alley doctor" and his rusty coat hanger, a dangerous procedure to be sure.
(an interesting side note to all of this: nearly all people against abortion are for the death penalty, and conversely nearly all people who are for abortion are against the death penalty, if you really think about this it should illicit a chuckle, because of the sheer stupidity of both sides)
There aren't a whole lot of Republicans if any, in Washington D.C. who would profess to feel the same way I do about this. The retard republicans are all so busy bickering with the dipshit democrats that they don't have a lot of time to really let anyone know thier true beliefs anyway. Listening to a politician speak is like trying to have a conversation with your own butthole after eating taco bell. First off, nothing you hear sounds remotely understandable, and damn, even so it smells awfully funny. I guess I really gave up completely on them all when, after 9/11 of 2001, they didn't wait but about 20 days to start pointing fingers at one another, with the democrats blaming the white house and the FBI for what happened, and republicans saying it was Clinton's fault, yadda yadda yadda.
Just how the hell can you sit and place blame for what happened when the rules and laws that were set in place would allow it to have happened a hundred times over, and not just that, but it can happen in a variety of ways. Who's fault is it going to be if some lunatic dressed in a C-4 explosive vest runs onboard a loaded schoolbus in the midwest and blows away 40 kids? I can't wait to see both the demoshits and the repubicocksuckers chomping at the bit (microphone) for a pot shot at the other party to place blame for something that blame has no place for in such a setting. A complete lack of tact and respect is what they continously do, and it breeds itself continuously to be just that, with career politicians doing thier best impression of court jester with the hope of making someone else look bad, when all they do is give thier entire 'race' a bad name.
I think it's time for politicians to be something we might see at a zoo. It would be nice to go in there with a handful of pennies and nickels and watch these fat old grey haired men, most of whom were lawyers at one time (I'll tell you all how I feel about lawyers at a later date), all behind bars in ratty suits and ties fighting with each other over the loose change. That would be WONDERFUL to see. And maybe then in Washington we could have REAL people there, farmers, businessmen, soccer moms, etc, people who have built themselves up and won't put up with this nonsense any longer.
Wow, I got away from my topic I know, but I think you can see why I call myself conservative but have dropped the Republican tag. Don't think for even a split second that I would call myself a Democrat, I would sooner take a blowtorch to my own nutsack then EVER call myself either a Democrat OR a liberal. But to be quite honest, there isn't much of a difference ethically between the Donkey and the Elephant.
Sunday, January 19, 2003
Why Does fraNk Need A Journal Anyway???
It's time to explain my reasoning for having this journal. As I go thru my day, be it working, watching television, having sex with gorgeous actresses and supermodels, or running from the cops for some stupid felony, I notice things that really make me think. Yes, I'm sure, many of you will scoff at the very notion that intelligent thought runs thru my head, and I won't disagree with you completely, my stupidity is a valid topic, perhaps something for a later post.
But for now, I just want to introduce this journal to you all as something that will allow me to speak up about my likes and dislikes, well, probably more about my dislikes to be quite truthful but I'll try my best to put balance them out, say... 1 positive post about something for every 20 posts that have me bitching irritatedly about other things.
I'm certain that after reading my posts, 99 percent of you will agree with everything I'm saying, but I know about 1 percent will want to hunt me down and kill me... hmm, upon further review, I think I may have the numbers backwards. This being the case I want you all to know I've moved to Venezuela, and you won't be able to find me. I'll be assessing how many enemies I have at this time in Venezuela, at which time I may move, but that's all you need to know for now.
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