Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Holidays!!

When this time of year rolls around, I think it's important to remember the fragile, sensitive feelings of the ultra liberal members of our society. We need to realize how much pain and suffering that the word "Chr*stmas" causes these people, and how totally ignorant we as a society have been for so long, using this word so thoughtlessly.

When Christians conspire to force the birth of Jesus upon society as a whole, the repercussions can be utterly devastating. The idea that Chr*stmas can stand for love, peace, and brotherhood is a truly disgusting thought, and something this country does NOT need, at this time of year, nor at any other time of year.

We need to remember that agnostics and atheists believe that Jesus Chr*st's life was a fable, and when people celebrate Chr*stmas as the 'birth of Chr*st', it's so completely insensitive to the members of our society who would rather have their children learn about a jolly fat man dressed in red sitting in a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer being responsible for a "Merry Holiday".

So please, do not use the word "Chr*stmas" because it disturbs ultra liberal ignorant half wits with assumed intellectual superiority. Remember, ultra liberals know what is best for us, everything needs to be homogeneous, whitewashed, politically correct!!! I feel if we all try hard to take "Chr*st" out of this holiday, we can somehow find the true meaning of the holiday, which is actually a fat man wearing a red suit with a 4 year old pissing on his lap in a local mall.