Friday, June 2, 2006

Oh YAH!! I figured I could use it for farm work, but now I know for SURE!!!!

Alleged Cattle Thief Tries to Squeeze Seven Animals Into Back Seat, Trunk of Dodge Neon

05-31-2006 7:54 PM

OGDENSBURG, N.Y. -- A man was arrested Wednesday for allegedly stealing seven calves from a Canton farmer, sheriff's deputies said.

Victor R. Gardner, 22, is accused of squeezing seven of the young cattle into the back seat and trunk of a 2000 Dodge Neon. He is charged with third-degree burglary and third-degree grand larceny.

Gardner had the help of an accomplice when he allegedly drove the calves to a barn in DeKalb, St. Lawrence County Sheriff's deputies said.

Two of the calves were sold, the rest are missing and presumed dead.

Gardner, who has a history of burglaries, is being held in St. Lawrence County jail without bail.

MOO! X 7 :)

Current Lyrical Ramblings

Two faced! I feel you crawling under my skin.
Sickened by your face.
By the way, to think that your so fucking kind?
You ain't!

Greed - Godsmack

And They Said Iraq Was Hot... PFFFFFT!!!

Soooooo, I had decided earlier today that I was going to go running, and I did get 4 hours of sleep, a relative miracle while working nights. So I headed out about 1800 (6 p.m. for you civilian yahoos) and well, my thermometer said 140 degrees. Now this is between the trailers mind you, and it's usually at LEAST 5 degrees hotter there than out say running on the black asphalt roads :)

So I headed out to do a 3 mile run. I get about a mile and a quarter in and I realize I MAY have underestimated just how hot it was. That and the giant panda I saw dancing in the middle of the road led me to stop and walk during my run at certain points. That panda was fast too, holy shit, I couldn't catch it. So, I finally finished up and headed back into my room, air conditioned, thank God.

I will likely reevaluate my idea of running late in the afternoon and attempt to do it at night or something, during my night shift. There is a problem though, panda's are f'ing SCARY at night!! :(

Current Lyrical Ramblings

Again, no lyrics:

Allegro Attaca - Beethoven

DAMN, and I was going to try this!!!

Here are some things you should not do.

Never ever stick your willy on a frozen pole.
Never drink poprocks and lye, it just isnt cool.
Never stick your finger in a blender.
Never stick your dick in a blender.
Never put your cat in the microwave.
Never put your friend in the microwave.
Never use a fudgesickle during foreplay.
Never snort white powder from unknown envelopes.
Never use a slinky as a contreceptive.
Never use a glove as a reusable condom good for 5 uses.
Never shoot a load in your friend's sock.
Never put your friends cat in the oven.
Never use a spork for a home abortion.
Never use a foon for a home abortion.

spam found this on the internet after I mentioned the slinky bit. Well that just SUCKS!

Current Lyrical Ramblings

NONE, no words in this:

18-1 in E Flat Major 'Grande Valse Brillante' - Chopin

Monday, May 29, 2006

Kid Being Noisy During Whore Island On Fox? SEDATE HIM!!!

I have to wonder sometimes just what society is coming to when such a high percentage of children are labeled as ADD and ADHD and then put on drugs and/or into counseling. I myself was labeled hyperactive, which I thought was bad at the time, but there is no doubt in my mind that some dipshit in a suit with a psychology degree would have diagnosed me ADD and had me popping Ritalin like candy. What is it with psychiatrists and psychologists that they have a need to label as many people as they can with emotional and mental disorders? As though that question even needs to be asked, it’s all about money and name recognition, if you would believe the conspiracy theorists.

While I have no doubt there is a measure of truth to that theory, I believe that in the long run it boils down to lazy behavior. If children came with an instruction manual from God, it would say they are energetic, have a short attention span, are loud and boisterous, and require continual supervision until a specific age. Parents no longer feel it should be their responsibility to take care of their children. “Oh, my kid doesn’t sit down and watch tv, he runs around and acts silly all the time, doctor, we need help.” Why not tell the fucking truth? “Doctor, I’m a lazy piece of shit parent, my kid is normal but I want to drug him up so that I don’t have to take care of him or supervise him so he learns good behaviors, we need help.” That’s the story here, it’s not about kids with problems, it’s about PARENTS with problems.

The whole idea of using drugs to sedate children is disgusting, because when you do that, you develop a need in children for chemically related outside sources of help to cope with the world. What does this say? It should be obvious, if it’s okay for a child to be taking drugs at age 4 and up, when they reach the teenage years they believe it is totally acceptable to go on their own and start in with alcohol, cigarettes, weed, or worse. Anyone who doesn’t believe that using Ritalin and other drugs of that type act as a gateway to elicit drug use later on is an ignorant fool.

It would be wonderful if parents, teachers, administrators, and doctors of all types would quit trying to label all children as abnormal because they don’t meet over restrictive guidelines, guidelines imposed by a society that seems to try to weed out creativity and differences in children that make them unique and wonderful.

Current Lyrical Ramblings

In your house I long to be
Room by room patiently
I'll wait for you there
Like a stone I'll wait for you there

Like A Stone - Audioslave