Saturday, August 23, 2003

People Eating Tasty Animals

My sweety recently received something in the mail, I have NO clue where it came from or how it got here *haha*. It was addressed to her with the middle name NOMEAT. Of course, she knew immediately who had sent that to her.

This little package was actually from PETA, it was called a "Vegan Starter Kit" and from the looks of the packaging; colors and stickers and what not, it's aimed at school aged kids, like 8th grade or so. The set of stickers is green and black and they say things like DISSECTION = SCHOOL VIOLENCE and CUT CLASS NOT FROGS. As I read on thru it though, there were phrases like "Factory farms aren't fairy tales, THEY'RE HELL" and "DO YOU GIVE A SHIT?" and "DO YOU GIVE A DAMN", along with NOW GET OFF YOUR ASS..." I was surprised that PETA would do something like this in a promotional pack for kids.

As I read further, I laughed aloud when I got to the part about milk and dairy cows. Nearly everything they put up about the dairy industry was completely false. This was what they said:

"Up to three times a day, dairy cows get electric machines hooked up to their massively swollen udders. Cuts and injuries to their udders are common- and so is mastitis, a painful infection. The pus, blood, and scabs, plus hormones and antibiotics, all end up in that milk mustache."

Misleading, misconceptions, and outright lies. Yes, cows get milked three times a day. That's about the end to the validity of the above statement. Electric machines? Negative, the machines work thru a pulsating pressure device powered by pneumatic vacuum suction, actively simulating the sucking of a baby calf. In many dairies there is no electricity at all running to the 'milkers' as they are called, and in those that are, the only electrical part reads the amount of milk going into the milker and shuts it down at a certain point. There is no use of electricity to do the actual milking of the cow at all, but by saying "electric machines", PETA can mislead people into thinking they are, hence electricity, zapping the cows.

Cuts and injuries are not all that common, and when it does happen, that cow is taken 'offline' and given antibiotics, and injured areas are rubbed down with 'udder balm'. The cow is still milked, but that milk goes into a tank separated from grade A production milk. Mastitis is common in every mammal, even humans get mastitis, and just as humans are treated, as are cattle. Again, the milk from a treated cow goes into a separate tank, so you don't get any antibiotics in your 'milk mustache', as PETA claims. When there are that many lies in one section, the section I am familiar with, that certainly brings into question the authenticity of the entire booklet PETA sent out.

Maybe I'll start a new group, and call it PETOV, "People for the Ethical Treatment Of Vegetables", and target vegans for 'murderous rampages of peace loving plants on our planet" or some such ridiculous crap, after all, if filling a pamphlet with mindless drivel and sending it out to people who, for the most part, couldn't care less about PETA or PETOV. No one is ever going to tell me I cannot eat meat, the day that happens is the day someone will be picking my boot from out their mouth.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Golf Is Totally Stressing Me, Time For A Break!

Tiger Woods, superstar golf athlete (if golfers can truly be called athletes, who knows?), took some time off from golf awhile back because he was 'burned out' and needed some time away. How exactly can he justify that? I mean, seriously, people who are damn good at golf make a really good living at it, they also get several months off a year. I certainly wish I could do that, because I'll tell you what, one day at my 9 dollar an hour job burns me out. But, unfortunately, I don't have the money to allow myself to do something like that, because takinga break from working means getting kicked out of my place and losing a lot of other things that I really need to survive.

But when I hear someone like Woods talking about being burned out, that really makes me laugh. Yes, I understand the media coverage is intense and that being under the spotlight is stressful, but come on, for 50 million a year, or whatever he is making when you add up his winnings and endorsement deals, I think I would put up with that. Hell, I'd do it for 10 percent of that, geesh, even 1 percent of that. A measly 500,000 for me and I have cameras following me around? Oh well.

Of course, Tiger doesn't help himself by acting like a big overemotional baby when he misses a put or has a bad drive, but then, even if he wasn't the cameras would still be there.

I shouldn't ride on Woods all that bad, because it's not just him that I hear complaining about things, the worst of the sports superstars complain about not having enough money, and justify wanting more than 11 million dollars a year with stupid assinined comments like "well, I'm only economically viable as a player for about 4, maybe 5 years, I have to think about my future you know?" Hello, earth calling jackass, normal human beings could put away 1 million dollars and live off the interest alone. Not only that, but perhaps you should think about a getting a JOB once your time on the field or in the ring or on the track has run out.

There is life beying sports, but you would be hard pressed to convince some of these idiots about it.

Smoked Human Jerky, YUMM!!

I try to get a semblance of a tan during the summer. I shouldn't really say I try all that hard, because this usually consists of me laying out perhaps 4, maybe five times, rarely longer than 45 minutes or so. I do end up tanning reasonably well, although this summer, because I'm driving for a living, I have this strange, alien like one armed tan, as though my arm leaves me and lays out when I'm not aware or something.

What boggles my mind is when it's March, like the first nice day of the year, 65 degrees or so, and you are at the grocery store, and some lady comes in wearing shorts and a t-shirt and she looks like a piece of beef jerky, all dried out and dark and nasty looking. "Pardon me for staring with my mouth wide open, but that has to be the nastiest thing I've ever seen."

Is there some sort of unknown beauty rule I don't know about in effect here? The darker, wrinklier, and dried out you are, the sexier you are, the more people will look at you and think "yah, now there is what I want to look like, 20 years older than I actually am and easily mistaken for a piece of smoked and dried meat."

About the only thing I can think of is that tanning becomes an addiction or something, or that the person doing the tanning completely loses track of how incredibly awful they look and they just keep on doing it, oblivious to becoming one with the walking dead. I'm totally torn, do I pull out a bottle of moisturizing lotion and toss it to this person to try and help them save themselves? Or do I just pull out a gun and shoot them in order to put them out of their misery? I just don't know.

European Mutt American Music Awards

I recently turned on the television, and what did I see? The Latino Music Awards!! OH BOY!! Talk about a totally racist idea. Have you ever sat back and thought about what it means to single out your race for awards? How about trying this sometime: take a speech about African Americans or Hispanics and change every word Hispanic or African American or black to the word white. You will think you are reading a Ku Klux Klan speech. Yet as a society we accept this when it's the other way around, and we really shouldn't.

For hundreds of years now blacks have worked very hard to achieve respect and dignity in this nation, and to be recognized on the basis of individual achievement versus skin color. This is extremely important, to get people to see the person for who he is, and not for the bias that his or her skin color may represent. Yet in the same way, you cannot award someone strictly on the basis of skin color either, that is honestly just as bad as a person stereotyping against another person based on skin color.

I am not trying to single out blacks and Hispanics either, this happens with women, it happens with Jewish persons, it happens all the time with just about any group of people who 'look different' from what society may see as the majority. And society will continue to do so as long as recognition is given out to these groups of people, whether that recognition be bad, or good.