Thursday, April 8, 2004

Useless Bit Of fraNk Trivia

"fraNk has had the same razor since Christmas of 1991"

Yes, this is a shocking tid bit, is it not? Now, don't get too concerned about my face being all chopped and such, and don't think I use a straight razor to shave with either. This particular razor is the Gillette Sensor. I have evolved a bit at least to the Gillette Sensor Excel disposable heads for my razor, but the razor 'body' if you will, and the little holding station, are both from 1991, a christmas gift from an aunt. Luckily the 5-pack of replacement heads fits perfectly into that old holding station.

Back then I really didn't shave more than once maybe every 4 days. When I went to basic training at the age of 17, in 1990, I can remember them making fun of me because I didn't have enough facial hair to justify shaving. That taunting lasted all of about a week, when they all would say "Damn, I wish I didn't have to shave", to which I just smirked. Nowadays, if I'm staying on top of things, I shave every 2 days, and from time to time if I'm active duty for the military for whatever reason, I have shaved 2 days in a row, but even then it's normally every 2 days.

Well, this got to be a lot more than just a smidgen of useless information, it has turned into a veritable cornucopia of crap that you probably just as well didn't need to know. I thank you for your time, please feel free to return to my journal at any time for more useless knowledge, about moi!!

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