Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How The Heck???

I do not understand how single parents do this... I've been up to my neck in laundry, cooking, bedtime, etc, for two nights, and that is WITH D's help here and there (she is busy with her 'at home work' job) and still I'm behind... I would say I CANT WAIT FOR THE WEEKEND but my weekends aren't off haha. Sunday and Monday, most likely will be my next days off, one can only hope?


Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Not A Kid Anymore

I sure do love my little ones, and of course my better half. Sometimes it is surprising how long the years have blown past. Here we are now, and I'm so blessed with where we are at, good job, D is working now also, getting set to put the other little one into daycare. Things are really good. I think sometimes I have dwelled a little too much on the negative, I think as we get older we should become more content with where we are and I'm learning to count my blessings. I have done a lot in my life, been around the world, all over the USA, and lucky enough to have the most patient and amazing young woman by my side through the most hectic times, always giving me a smile or a word of support. For that I am thankful. That and my family.

Sometimes though I really miss being young and carefree... the world seems safe, simple, and less complicated... and for that reason I know I have to be the best father that I can, because that is the memory I want my children to have.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kick Ass!!!

Not sure if the news is true, but if that bastard is gone, freaking AWESOME!!!

Would have been better to get him alive, but Bin Ladin dead is better than him alive on the loose.

And... my assumption from years ago was wrong, I thought the guy was actually dead years ago.

Hopefully this is authentic! Kick ass job, whoever got him!