Friday, March 5, 2004

Why Am I Even Going To Talk About It?

Well, the democrats picked Kerry as their presidential candidate to run against Bush in November. Yes, I know, politics, what am I doing talking about it? Well, I just find it rather amusing is all. Of all the candidates that ran on the democratic ticket, the ignorant democrats pick the most liberal candidate of them all for the November election. That won't bode well with the American public, considering Kerry's rather outlandish left wing views on just about every subject (although it was funny, his little 'about face' on gay marriages, he comes out on record against them yet you will still see the gay community support him just because he is a liberal. It's about like having a bully punch you in the face and immediately tell everyone how wonderful the guy is. I mean, they may both be against gay marriages, but lets just fore go anything else that is important about a candidate's platform, such as, the economy, national defense, etc).

President Bush has a 78% approval rating, the only democrat who stood a chance in hell of defeating him this fall was Howard Dean because he was the most moderate of any of the candidates. Hell, he is the only one I would really even listen to because some of what he had to say actually made sense. But no, instead it's Kerry, who's idiotic platform consisted almost entirely of 'let's attack Bush on everything' rather than try to run on his own accord, ideas, or record. Here we go folks, 8 months of mud-slinging and stupid commercials that say nothing important, 240 days of muck and shit and nasty comments by every person affiliated with politics talking about each candidate, isn't it exciting?

No, it really isn't.