Sunday, March 12, 2006

Unholy Indulgence In Internet Archivals!!!

Wouldn’t you like to check out an old website that no longer exists, to go back in time and look around, sort of like reading an old favorite book you hadn’t read in years? WELL JOYFUL SALUTATIONS!! THERE IS A WAY!! Some archiving website has like ELEVENTY FOUR BILLION PAGES saved on it, I’m not really sure how many that is in English, because I don’t know the metric system that well, but this is where it’s located at:

The Wayback Machine!!

You just put the old address into the search string and voila… the old archives show up. Not all websites work, but quite a few I tried did. I spent quite a while traveling down ole’ memory road. You can find yourself doing that a lot over in this place.

Current Lyrical Ramblings

Heretics and hypocrites
wear the same face through the years
Of telling lies and laying blame
Damn the fire to feed the flame
I'll dance I'll sing
I'll try to fade their images planted in your head

Heaven – Better Than Ezra (1995)

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