Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Wedding Up, Wedding Down

No, it's not some sort of goofy nuptual military patrol tactic. The wedding is now back to it's original scheduled date. Word came down early yesterday that once my military unit is mobilized, even though we will be in the states at either Ft. Riley in Kansas or Ft. Hood in Texas for 2 months before we go overseas, the only way they will allow anyone any time off is either a death in the immediate family or your own death.

Disappointing. In a word, I guess that pretty much covers it. Very disappointing. Frustrating too. I was excited about everything, all the planning, getting everthing taken care of before I go overseas. Now it appears that instead of the traditional wedding we had planned, we will be making an appearance before a judge/justice of the peace and getting married 'legally', and the wedding will be in early September of 2006. At least that covers things, not just for the extra money that she and I will both receive as part of our pay, but in the unfortunate even that anything might happen while I'm overseas (but, don't worry about that, I'm not going to allow that to happen!!).

I guess my worst nightmare at this point is that a year from now, when the unit gets back from the middle east, and we are demobilizing, belly's unit gets deployed and she is gone for a year. I pray that doesn't occur, but you have to be ready for just about anything, just in case. That scenario would be quite interesting, should it happen, I would be moving to wherever she's stationed at (not deployed, but her actual stateside marine base) and live there waiting for her return. That would be alright though, I'd still have the cats to keep me company : )

Current Lyrical Ramblings

All the little ants are marching
Red and black antennae waving
They all do it the same
They all do it the same way
-Ants Marching, Dave Matthews Band

1 comment:

Mink said...

I miss the kitties :(
We need to plan a grand honeymoon to make up for lost time!