Sunday, March 30, 2003

Cheap Made-Up Clothing

Old Navy has to be one of the strangest stores on the planet. Certainly the clothing is cheap, low priced and not the greatest quality. The strange part about Old Navy though is that they make up new names for existing clothing or create their own oddball stuff, like the Old Navy 'polar fleece'. Then I see they take a pair of carpenter pants, which is what everyone I know calls them, because of the loop to hang the hammer in, and Old Navy renames them 'painters pants'.

Now, who in their right mind is going to hang a dripping wet paintbrush from the loop on a pair of jeans? That doesn't even make sense. Well, I guess most people that buy those jeans are buying them about ten sizes too big and wearing them around their knees so perhaps it shouldn't matter what they are called, hang a hammer on the loop and they will be around the ankles.

I'm not going to shop at Old Navy until they bring out the Old Navy 'woolen jockstrap'. Nothing better than itchy support as you are doing athletic activity, that is for sure. I bet I can even buy it for under 10 bucks, THANKS OLD NAVY!!!

Hey, don't laugh, you just might see it very soon!!! If they do market it, I'm going to get big time royalties!!! I cannot wait!!

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