Sunday, July 2, 2006

The Anti Patriotic

It’s interesting how politicians have such short memories. Listening to the audacity of certain lawmakers on capital hill in Washington this past month has me puzzled. It is laughable to me that Democrats who voted for military action in Iraq are now pointing fingers at other people, trying to lay blame and using terms like ‘huge mistake’ and ‘unjust war’ to describe something they approved to begin with. You voted for it, based on the same information the White House had. Why would you say that shit now, it’s NOT true, and it only adds to the resolve of the foreign insurgents in Iraq and feeds the anti war movement stateside.

I guess I don’t really follow where this has suddenly become an ‘unjust war’, I mean, honestly, if this was an ‘unjust war’, if this were a ‘huge mistake’, then these lawmakers, thru their current views, want to give the country back to Saddam Hussein, apologize, and ‘cut and run’. “Oh, President Hussein, we are SO sorry that we attacked you, we respect the excellent job you’ve done here leading your country, here’s the key to the presidential palace, no hard feelings?” Yah, respond to that one, Murtha. This has been anything BUT a huge mistake. I really have to wonder about the media’s agenda in all of this also, with polls that talk about how “78% of Iraqi people do not like having the occupational forces here.” Well no shit???

In Iraq the media is doing the exact same thing they do in the United States, they ask questions on surveys that are aimed at getting a specific response to match what the network wants to hear, versus getting any real opinion. Of course they would rather we weren’t here. But where are the more common sense questions??? How about “Do you wish to have Saddam back in power again?” or “Do you feel you have a greater chance for a better future under the new government than you did under Saddam?” THOSE are the kinds of questions that answer that show results or lack thereof concerning this conflict.

I find the whole ‘cut and run’ idea to be cowardly and completely politically motivated. I really believe that democrats are trying to reignite the anti war rage of the 60’s, that they want to compare this to Vietnam in some hopeless attempt to stir up emotions in preparation for this year’s elections and as a prelude for the 2008 presidential elections. Well sorry, but this is NOT Vietnam, for a variety of reasons, from organization skills, backing, and content of oppositional forces, to the terrain being fought in, to the death tolls suffered by American forces. I find it to be disgusting and a slap in the face of those who lost their lives in Vietnam AND those who have given there lives here to make that comparison in a way as to suggest monumental failures, especially when we have an excellent opportunity here to succeed in Iraq.

“What?? Excellent opportunity to succeed? HOW can you say that?” Because I’m freaking here, that’s why. I see day in and day out the work being done here, I see the good things that are virtually ignored by the media, I talk to the Iraqi people about how they feel, that’s how. I have to wonder sometimes, if the media and political atmosphere had been this way during World War II, would we have had ANY heroes, would President Rooservelt be viewed as this horrible bully who attacked Germany unprovoked. I wish sometimes people would study history, and realize the importance of not only having a strong military, but in using it from time to time to fight tyranny. The way

For this to work in Iraq, you are probably talking about another year or so of current troop levels, then a gradual reduction over a period of up to 10 years, yes, that’s right, 10 years, to help maintain stability. This is normal. There are no quick fixes. We live in a society that wants everything quicker. Faster food, better service, speedier delivery… well some things just don’t work that way. The Iraqi conflict is a perfect example of that. Some of the problems here have existed for literally thousands of years. It’s going to take time. Even if Joe Public can’t understand that, politicians should be able to.

Sometimes politicians are in so deep that it just boggles the mind that it’s difficult to believe they can’t smell what they are shoveling. This is certainly a perfect example of that. As usual, Democrats have no problem finding fault with everything the White House and Congress are doing, without a valid course of action to repair what they see as problems.

Current Lyrical Ramblings

Don't you tell me to deny it
I've done wrong and I want to suffer for my sins
I've come to you 'cause I need guidance to be true
And I just don't know where I can begin

Criminal – Fiona Apple

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