Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy GobbleGobbleDay Everyone!!

Okay, I hope I'm not being the worst grandchild ever by saying this, but to be honest, my grandmother's cooking skills have diminished considerably over the last 5 years of so.

Let's set up what I'm getting at here. Basically, my whole family is in Tennessee visiting my sister, and that leaves my brother and I to go to my grandmother's for Thanksgiving because no one else will be around to have dinner with her, my grandfather, and my uncle.

Belly and I are cheating though, because we have a dinner all planned out here, so we are going to have a 'faux dinner' at the grandparents, where we sit and chit chat for about 2 hours while 'nibbling' rather than eating, then later today we'll have a big meal here, we are inviting Alfonzo over for some turkey celebrations also.

So anyways, looks like an eventful day planned out, if I ever get my ass off this chair haha.

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