Thursday, August 21, 2003

European Mutt American Music Awards

I recently turned on the television, and what did I see? The Latino Music Awards!! OH BOY!! Talk about a totally racist idea. Have you ever sat back and thought about what it means to single out your race for awards? How about trying this sometime: take a speech about African Americans or Hispanics and change every word Hispanic or African American or black to the word white. You will think you are reading a Ku Klux Klan speech. Yet as a society we accept this when it's the other way around, and we really shouldn't.

For hundreds of years now blacks have worked very hard to achieve respect and dignity in this nation, and to be recognized on the basis of individual achievement versus skin color. This is extremely important, to get people to see the person for who he is, and not for the bias that his or her skin color may represent. Yet in the same way, you cannot award someone strictly on the basis of skin color either, that is honestly just as bad as a person stereotyping against another person based on skin color.

I am not trying to single out blacks and Hispanics either, this happens with women, it happens with Jewish persons, it happens all the time with just about any group of people who 'look different' from what society may see as the majority. And society will continue to do so as long as recognition is given out to these groups of people, whether that recognition be bad, or good.

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