Monday, September 17, 2007

It's Been 6 Years, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Why is it that there is this group of people dedicated to being so ignorant and so incredibly stupid, the morons that believe 9/11 was a conspiracy perpetrated by the United States government? Do they even THINK about how ridiculous they are? Let's discuss the facts...

This is the conversation that trips them up every time:

"9/11 is a conspiracy"

Wow, really? It must be the most devious thought out plan ever thought of.

"It's our government that came up with it, straight from the white house"

So George Bush is behind all of this?

"You got that right, it's all about oil, and using this war to give our tax dollars to his hand picked war companies"

Seriously? Wow, so what do you think of Bush, I mean, compared to the other presidents?

"He's a fucking chimp, a complete moron. He's the dumbest president ever"

Wait, now, did you just say that Bush is behind the most diabolical conspiracy plot ever, that he was behind 9/11, in order to start a war with Iraq?

"Well, yes, but that's not what I meant, I meant Bush is the mouthpiece, Dick Cheney and others set all of this up, they put all of this in motion"

They must have really put some planning into everything, I mean, to trick everyone, the media, most of the public?

"Yes they did, these guys are VERY diabolical and sneaky, they were smart with how they set all of this up, they tricked everyone"

Yes, they were SO smart that they weren't able to frame Iraq by putting a couple of WMD's around Bagdhad and Rhamadi, right?

"Wait, uh, no, I mean..."

No, seriously, this is what you are saying. That they were smart enough to trick the media and the American people by setting up 9/11, but not smart enough to plant WMD's in Iraq, I mean, that was there excuse to go to war, right? If they are lying about 9/11, why not lie and plant WMD's in Iraq, that would have shut EVERYONE up, RIGHT?

crickets.... in the distance a dog barks...

NO conspiracy theorist can read this and stick to their guns, this destroys their platform, they can't stand up to this, it's simple, there is no response for this that makes any sense whatsoever. Of course they will change the subject, or widen the conspiracy theory further to make excuses, but face the facts, you are wrong, you are stupid, you should STFU


Anonymous said...

i was hoping for a baby related post, man.

but i do have an argument for that (of course, don't i always? ha). it's a move made to derail the conspiracy theorists ;)

Anonymous said...

why target iraq since they have WMDs? plenty of countries have WMDs. i'd think that's the basis of the argument, and that they just needed to suspect the presence of WMDs to start the war. stopping a war on the other hand, isn't as easy. we've tried.