Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So Close To All My World Needs

Two weeks left. Just 14 days. There isn’t much I really require in this world, all 5’5” and 115 lbs of her is about it. Sure, food, drink, sustenance, but everything I know, everything I have become accustomed to in my life, there is nothing that compares to her. If I finished this deployment and had to give up everything, all my worldly belongings, my bank account emptied, with nothing left, I know I could make it, as long as I don’t lose her.

I haven’t been perfect, I took her for granted for a long time and I wasn’t fair in any way to her, but thankfully she saw thru that and recognized that I was worth waiting for, that there was something inside of me that had value, and meaning, even at times when I didn’t see it myself. We had some tough times but we always came thru stronger on the other side, we weathered the storm and our relationship grew for it, we became closer, our bond stronger, best friends forever.

If I were to try and come up with one word to describe her, and just how amazing she is, it would be impossible. She is witty, beautiful, strong, unfathomable, profound, deeply spiritual in her own way, and despite the silly little things her body has done, she is quite unbreakable, her spirit will never fail, her love will never diminish. We have come so far, we have built a unique and singular bond of trust thru everything that has happened.

For six months now we have been apart, yet knowing what lies ahead tempers whatever time we have spent so far away from one another. I get to finally spend some real time with the most incredible woman in the universe, for the first time in more than 16 months. I cannot wait, I only hope that she feels just the same way as I do!!!

Current Lyrical Ramblings

An Angel Falls
The Unfeeling Kiss
Spreading Wings
City of Angels

Instrumentals (tracks 11-15), City Of Angels Soundtrack

1 comment:

Mink said...

I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAIT! Okay, I can and will, but I'm so excited ^_^.
I'm the luckiest girl in the WHOLE world! Some guys came back from Iraq today and they already knew about you. I guess I talked about you so much to the guys who just left for Iraq that they told the guys coming back about me and you *L*.
Silly me.