Tuesday, February 14, 2006

An Open Letter To The Media

There is really no eloquent way to put this, other than to state my feelings about the media as follows: GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! You are the ultimate definition of a sell out. You go for only the sensationalized attention grabbing bullshit 'news', and do your research poorly at that.

Why is it that there are a thousand good stories for every bad story that goes on over here in Iraq, yet you ignore anything positive about what is happening and focus solely on the negative. Not only that, but you leave out anything that can help explain HOW or WHY something happened, so as to make the actions of the military seem as evil as possible.

"Innocent Civilians Killed Today When The Military Fired Upon Their Vehicle"... without mentioning the vehicle drove up on a security checkpoint at 65 mph without slowing down, forcing the actions of the service members. Not only does it make the military look aggressively abusive, it paints the Iraqi people as incompetent morons, which is simply NOT true.

If nothing else, I'm glad I'm here just to get a first hand impression of what is really happening. Things are a lot better than you media types would have the general public believe. Yellow journalism has been around for a couple hundred years now, but with the current level of media coverage hammering away 24/7, with everything from O.J. to Katrina right in your face, up front and personal, it makes me wonder if it's now become a fatal disease killing off anything remotely resembling integrity or impartiality in the news media.

The world isn't all bad, hell, I'd say it's way more good than bad, but you'd never know it from watching The Nightly News. It's disappointing, and until the news in general quits emulating "Hollywood Insider Tonite Edition", it's not likely to change. That's pretty sad.

Current Lyrical Ramblings

Peace is what they tell me
Love am I unholy
Lies are what they tell me
Despise you that control me

Torn - Creed

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