Monday, April 12, 2004

Another Useless Bit Of fraNk Trivia

I'll try to make this a frequent installment of my blog to help those of you (2 at the most) who actually read my blog. (did I say two? Perhaps I'm being overly optimistic, oh well).

"fraNk knows how to break dance"

Let's break this particular statement down though, I can do two break dancing moves, the worm, and the moonwalk. The worm isn't terribly hard, it just requires a bit of flexibility, coordination, and not minding if you crush your balls for a little bit. The moonwalk on the other hand, that is tough. It requires a lot more coordination and timing. Is this something to brag about? Undoubtedly no, especially when considering that I can't fast dance worth a shit. If I was about to be killed, and someone said I could save my life by fast dancing and doing it good, well, you might as well shoot me because I'm doomed.

But back in the 80's, the moonwalk was the pinnacle of freestyle break dancing, if you could do the moonwalk, your social status was improved immeasurably, your cool level went up so much... unfortunately, by the time I really got good at it, moonwalking was pretty much a thing of the past, with the next 'big thing' having come along, though I'm not sure now what that might have been.

But, just for the record, I can breakdance... a little.

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