Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Conservative But Not Republican

As we get grow out of our teenage years into adulthood, it seems that all of us develop a sense of ethics and beliefs that guide us not only in day to day life but also in political motivations. What issues move our emotions, who and what do we vote for, so on and so forth. I grew up in a very conservative household, hence the beliefs I uphold mostly even to this day are in line with most conservative issues. Yes, this is probably surprising to some of you who would question my personality at times, but believe me, I'm a conservative at heart.

Now, during my late teenage years and even as I first went away to college I called myself not only a conservative, but also a republican, believing that the republican party represented my views 100 percent. Slowly but surely reality chipped away at this faux belief. I realized that there is a big difference between what I believe and what republican politicians believe. Oh, they may say one thing, but you damn well better believe they are up to something else behind the scenes. I guess a lot had to do with my introduction to people who had different upbringings, beliefs, sexual orientations, you name it, from my college years and even as I first began working.

Take for instance abortion, I'm staunchly anti-abortion, however, I realize that many children would probably be born into situations that are so atrocious, many of them addicted to God knows what, or raised in poverty with very little supervision, that perhaps it's a blessing they are not brought into the world. My parents, grandparents, and most likely 99 percent of everyone in even my extended family would blow a gasket with my view on this, but I have to be realistic about the world nowadays. Now, if it came to a vote, I'm likely to vote against abortion, that's my belief, that's my right. But I know that even if abortion is ever deemed illegal again, which I don't think it will be, there will be those who attempt to have an abortion by any means necessary, including the "back alley doctor" and his rusty coat hanger, a dangerous procedure to be sure.

(an interesting side note to all of this: nearly all people against abortion are for the death penalty, and conversely nearly all people who are for abortion are against the death penalty, if you really think about this it should illicit a chuckle, because of the sheer stupidity of both sides)

There aren't a whole lot of Republicans if any, in Washington D.C. who would profess to feel the same way I do about this. The retard republicans are all so busy bickering with the dipshit democrats that they don't have a lot of time to really let anyone know thier true beliefs anyway. Listening to a politician speak is like trying to have a conversation with your own butthole after eating taco bell. First off, nothing you hear sounds remotely understandable, and damn, even so it smells awfully funny. I guess I really gave up completely on them all when, after 9/11 of 2001, they didn't wait but about 20 days to start pointing fingers at one another, with the democrats blaming the white house and the FBI for what happened, and republicans saying it was Clinton's fault, yadda yadda yadda.

Just how the hell can you sit and place blame for what happened when the rules and laws that were set in place would allow it to have happened a hundred times over, and not just that, but it can happen in a variety of ways. Who's fault is it going to be if some lunatic dressed in a C-4 explosive vest runs onboard a loaded schoolbus in the midwest and blows away 40 kids? I can't wait to see both the demoshits and the repubicocksuckers chomping at the bit (microphone) for a pot shot at the other party to place blame for something that blame has no place for in such a setting. A complete lack of tact and respect is what they continously do, and it breeds itself continuously to be just that, with career politicians doing thier best impression of court jester with the hope of making someone else look bad, when all they do is give thier entire 'race' a bad name.

I think it's time for politicians to be something we might see at a zoo. It would be nice to go in there with a handful of pennies and nickels and watch these fat old grey haired men, most of whom were lawyers at one time (I'll tell you all how I feel about lawyers at a later date), all behind bars in ratty suits and ties fighting with each other over the loose change. That would be WONDERFUL to see. And maybe then in Washington we could have REAL people there, farmers, businessmen, soccer moms, etc, people who have built themselves up and won't put up with this nonsense any longer.

Wow, I got away from my topic I know, but I think you can see why I call myself conservative but have dropped the Republican tag. Don't think for even a split second that I would call myself a Democrat, I would sooner take a blowtorch to my own nutsack then EVER call myself either a Democrat OR a liberal. But to be quite honest, there isn't much of a difference ethically between the Donkey and the Elephant.

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