Friday, August 28, 2009

Ted Kennedy The "American Hero"???

You'd likely have to be living under a rock on some 3rd world island at this point to not know that Ted Kennedy is dead. And while I haven't posted often lately, I find myself needing to post up due to the overwhelming amount of nonsensical garbage that the media is trolling out as 'news' when it comes to this fat drunken bluthering idiot. I don't even know where to start, nearly every article that pops up seems to be inflated with artificial information. The media is desperately trying to apply frosting to a turd, or sugar coat a lump of crap, for lack of a better term, and the hilarity of the entire situation is unbelievable.

Where do I even begin? The first thing I read the day he died was on Yahoo:

"A Torch Extinguished: Ted Kennedy Dead At 77"

Oh, forgive me, I was rolling my eyes at the first three words of the article's title even before I opened the article up, and the article itself was no better, basically a collection of references to the other Kennedy brothers, as though the last name would make up for Ted's failed legacy.

CBS News, however, takes the cake with this bit of nonsense from the article (thanks to for this):

"Ted Kennedy — The Last Brother"

Once again, even in the title they have to link him to other people to justify his 'greatness', but it gets even worse in the article itself. According to one Kennedy aid:

"He's gone to the funeral of every soldier who's come home from Iraq in a casket, whether it's up in Massachusetts or at Arlington Cemetery. And it's hard. But he knows it pays respect for giving the last full measure that these young soldiers have given."

96 Massachusetts' soldiers have died in the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts, and following this news piece, Blackfive received a flood of emails from readers, describing specific funerals that Kennedy did not attend. So the idea that he attended all these funerals is total bullshit, just like 90% of all they nicey nicey things being said about Kennedy.

The article also states that Kennedy was 'drafted' into the Army. He was NOT drafted. After he was kicked out of Harvard for cheating, he ENLISTED into the Army in June of 1951. He requested Army Intelligence training, but (big surprise) he was dropped from the program. He then used his father's political connections to avoid deployment into the Korean War, instead getting a peach gig at European installations for the remainder of his 'service'. The article also states he served 'three years'. He was discharged in March of 1953. He didn't even make it to two years.

Why are they trying so hard to make this failure into something else? Tripping over themselves to eulogize this idiot with frivilous nonsense. Regardless of how much the media twists the facts, it does not change what Ted Kennedy was. A worthless drunken fool who spent 40 years playing off of his family name, and showing just how stupid the people of Massachusetts are for continually voting him into office.

This nonsense isn't limited to the media, unfortunately. I showed up for work yesterday to find the flag at the camp at half staff, and I felt like throwing up. Sure enough, Obama ordered military installations to put their flags at half staff for five days. WTF??? Kennedy's military service was at best sub standard, what a slap in the face to find him being honored at military installations. And worse he will be buried at Arlington, which is just disgusting. Another tug on the coat tails of a failed legacy, using his family name one final time to get ahead, in this case to insult every fallen soldier buried at Arlington National Cemetary.

Do I even need to bring up the "Chappaquiddick Incident", where Kennedy skated past a manslaughter charge and again used his family name for a "leaving the scene of an accident" conviction and suspended jail time?

The only decent article about Kennedy I've read thus far was written by Time's Jeff Israely, titled:

"After Kennedy's Death: Silence from the Pope"

Per the article, when President Obama visited the Pope in July, he delivered a sealed letter from Ted Kennedy, and the presumption is that in the letter, Kennedy was asking for a papal blessing, given his failing health. As the article stated, "Kennedy should have been asking the Pope for forgiveness." An unnamed Vatican official asked why Kennedy would even write a letter, given his failure to follow Catholic teachings? THANK YOU, for a moment of truthful reporting in a sea of rambling stupidity.

Of course, Time ruins this with another article entitled:

"Ted Kennedy's Quiet Catholic Faith"

The title of the article left me chuckling, because despite author Amy Sullivan's nonsensical description of Ted Kennedy 'making peace' with the Catholic church, he in no way lived his life in a Godly way. Therefore the word 'Quiet' in the title is all you need to really pay attention to, his faith was silent, or, more accurately, non-existant.

I understand that in death, the facts are often glossed over in a favorable way out of respect, but stomping on the facts repeatedly is a little much. I'm just thankful no one assassinated this moron, God knows it would have been difficult for the media to stupidly idolize him any more than they already are, but I'm sure they would have found a way.

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