Sunday, February 6, 2005

Better Late Than Never???

I got this in the mail last week:

Dear Mt Dew Consumer:

Approximately a year ago you participated in the MT Dew NFL Caps for Caps Instant Win Offer and requested a San Fransisco 49ers cap.

Due the the popularity of the program were were unable to secure enough caps for certain teams. As you may have guessed, the San Fransisco 49ers was one of them. Therefore, we are sending you three alternative caps. We hope these caps are acceptable and we apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you.

Thank you for your patience in waiting for the NFL cap and we hope you continue to participate in other programs sponsored by Pepsi Cola Company.


Consumer Relations

I sent in my two matching PEPSI (not Dew) caps in November... of 2003!! So this took them about a year and 2 months to resolve haha. Anyways, I got myself a Pittsburgh Steelers cap, a Seattle Seahawks cap, and a Tampa Bay Buccaneers hat. I'm not a fan of any of those teams, but free hats are nice. Oh, if you are a fan and you wish to purchase one of my amazing hats, I'll sell each for 100 dollars, just contact me, haha!!

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