Sunday, March 21, 2004


You know what is rather interesting? Well, it's interesting to me that is, is that so few people don't realize that you cannot have a goatee in the military. You can have a mustache, but it must be trimmed as to go no further than each side of your mouth and cannot extend over the upper portion of your top lip.

Just why am I bringing this up? Well, I have an army guard drill this weekend, the first one I've had in seven weeks. After my last drill, I decided I was going to grow out a goatee, because we were having such a long time between guard drills...

Anyways, I will have to shave it off come friday, this is the longest I have ever grown a goatee before. I'm going to take a picture of it and post it for anyone who is interested in seeing what I look like with this rug on my mug. It is actually so long now I can comb it, well, sort of, but I can't get any sort of part in it, which stinks. I'm thinking of trying some hair spray and spiking it out and stuff, well, maybe, but I probably shouldn't.

It's incredibly itchy sometimes, but one thing I found to be quite amazing, one morning it was about 12 degrees, this was about a week ago, and I was unloading windshields, it was so windy outside. I could actually tell my goatee was keeping my face warmer than if I didn't have one. I thought that was interesting.

Friday though, this sucker is coming off, which is alright with me. I think I'm kind of scary with a goatee actually. You should see the kids running away from me.

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