Thursday, July 25, 2013

Here It Comes

Looks like we are about to get a pounding!

And even as I load this up, there is torrential rain coming down.  I can only hope this gets to Omaha so the lawn there can get a little moisture.

And, in related news:

When you are driving along, one of the things that can scare you so bad you nearly jerk the wheel and wreck your car is when your child starts screaming like crazy from the back seat unexpectedly, at the top of her lungs...


And I'm trying to catch my bearings, and figure out just exactly what is going on?


And sure enough... 

Your children seeing their first rainbow is actually pretty memorable.  Plus you get to listen to some very funny comments for the few minutes following the sighting...

"I don't think that is a full rainbow, I see red, and blue, and yellow, and green, but there are a lot of colors that I don't see"

"You can't sit on a rainbow, I don't know if you can feel it or not"

"If you drive under the rainbow your car will be full of the colors, but you have to be careful!!!"

I wish I remembered more of them, they were both being hilarious with their discussion.

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